Frequently Asked Questions

Yes you can. Please click here to review our return policy.

If such a scenario happens, kindly send an email to us on or call +2348180018822

Debit card refunds typically takes 3-7 business days (depending on your bank). Other forms of payments will take 3 business days.

You can check the status of your order by sending an email to

Please also check your SPAM or JUNK folder in your email account to see if the order confirmation email is there

Delivery with in Lagos takes 24 hours after payment confirmation and 2 to 3 days for other states in Nigeria

1. Pay on delivery by cash or POS
2. Online transfer
3. Cash deposit into our account
4. Online payment with your Mastercard, Visa, Verve and Interswitch debit Cards

Same day delivery is available for orders made before 12 noon in Lagos.

Shipping charge is dependent on location and as such varies. Please note, we deliver nationwide.

In order to ensure a safe shopping experience we may place an order on hold and ask our customers to confirm specific information. Please refer to the email we sent to you and provide us with the requested information in order to continue processing your order.

Yes, takes the security of our customer’s information very seriously! Our website is PCI-compliant, uses SSL technology, encryption techniques to ensure it is safe and secure to shop in our site.

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If you had previously created a web account with us click here to log in and change your email address. Otherwise please register here to create a new account with your new email address.